Camping for Women
created by women, for women


  Being a genuine contributor to Camping for Women makes you someone that we want to rightfully recognize. We openly acknowledge your efforts and want to raise your profile and credibility within the global community of outdoor-loving women as someone who shares value to improve our experience in nature. It’s true that contributing material to benefit other like-minded women positions you as a leader in our community and we just want to do what we can to enhance the value of your creative material. This is a key reason we never publish unacknowledged material.  

Camping For Women Logo

Contributor Acknowledgement

Everything published from our contributors has a byline together with an author bio. The author bio tells our readers something about each contributor and provides social media links to show that each contributor is a real person. A person we want to openly acknowledge. You will always be the acknowledged creator of the material each time it is published or promoted by Camping for Women. Whether we are talking about the website, social media, other online mediums or hard copy publishing, it will always lead back to your acknowledgement as the creator.  

Once your material is accepted and published by Camping for Women, you are entitled to use the Published Contributor logo (shown above). This logo can be displayed on your website, blog and/or social media to highlight and promote your contribution to the broader outdoor community. You can also embed a link from the logo back to:

  1. Your published piece (if a single contribution – or to a particular piece of yours that you wish to highlight);
  2. The Camping for Women home page or contributor page; or
  3. Your own dedicated page on Camping for Women if you are a regular or multiple contributor (see further information below).

You can download the Published Contributor Logo here.

Contributor Recognition

Additional Recognition for Regular or Multiple Contributors

Aside from promoting you as the creator or author of any material published, Camping for Women provides additional recognition to repeat or regular contributors. Once you have submitted a minimum of 5 materials accepted for publication, you become recognized as a Premium Contributor.

Premium Contributors receive:

  1. Special inclusion on the contributors’ page within the Premium Contributors section, according to the region of the world you live. This includes a short bio on yourself, a photo and link to your own website or blog if you have one – as well as to your own CFW page (see point 2);
  2. Your very own dedicated page on Camping for Women to highlight your contribution to the women outdoor community. This page would typically include:
  • A lengthier bio, more photos/images and appropriate links for readers to find out even more about you (if applicable); and
  • A list of material you have submitted (so readers can come to a central page and find all your material, and where Camping for Women provides links to each piece).

Sometimes (depending on the publication schedule at the time), it may take a while for your material to be published. In these cases, if you wish to have all of your contributor profile and your own page set up immediately, you can have this done by ensuring we have received the minimum 5 submissions required.  

If you are thinking of becoming a regular or multiple contributor…how much and how often?

There is no set minimum requirements or expectations of you as a contributor. You are completely free to contribute whatever you can, whenever you can and your submissions will always be greatly appreciated.    

Proactively Raise your Profile

Aside from the promotional efforts made by Camping for Women, there are also two very effective things you can do to raise your profile and the number of readers engaging with you/your work.  

Optimize and enhance your work

Make sure that whatever you submit for publishing with us provides real quality and value for the readers. This means including some great detail in your work that outdoor adventurers would appreciate. Ensuring your articles or posts are of sufficient substance and are optimized for SEO. This is not that hard to do and makes all the difference to the number of people that will see your work over the long term. Check out more detail on how to optimize your posts here.  

Interact with your readers

A great way of being proactive to raise your profile with the readership is to directly interact with them by responding to reader comments left on your published content. Contributors are promptly informed of their direct URL after their material is published so that they are able to see and respond to any reader comments as soon as possible. Doing this really raises awareness of you as a contributor in the eyes of readers and it is more likely that your work gets shared and promoted even more. To prevent any spam or inappropriate comments being left on your material, Camping for Women moderates and manually approves all comments on the website.    

Other marketing initiatives

Video Profile

Whenever you decide to retire as a regular or multiple Premium Contributor, Camping for Women can also produce a dedication video about you on request. The video would be all about you as a contributor and would also summarize all the material you submitted for all subscribers, readers and viewers to see. We do this as another thank you and acknowledgement of your contributions.  

Continual Improvement

We are always happy to take on board any suggestions to improve our contributor program. If you have any suggestions in this regard do drop us a line: