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How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep In A Tent

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How To Get A Good Night's Sleep In A Tent 1
How To Get A Good Night's Sleep In A Tent 1
Image Source: pexels

By Julie Landry

Now that the camping season has officially kicked off, it’s time to start planning and preparing for your next trip, or your first trip! One of the main concerns when it comes to tent camping is sleep.

It may not be the initial thought on your mind while preparing to go, but once you’re pitching your tent and prepping your campsite, it’ll set in. The ground isn’t the most forgiving when it comes to comfort.

It’s never perfectly flat and there could be rocks, sticks, acorns, pinecones, or all kinds of natural ground litter that can really affect your comfort. So, how do you get around that? How can you get a good night’s sleep while camping in a tent?

That’s what we are here for, we will tell you the different items and tips you can use to be as comfortable as possible on your camping trip.


Choosing Where to Pitch Your Tent

The first step to tackling this issue is picking the right place to set up your tent. Pitch your tent on the flattest ground you can find, and slightly higher than the surrounding area. In the scenario that it rains, pitching your tent on higher ground will prevent water from pooling under it.

Clear any limbs, sticks, rocks, and other debris from your chosen spot. Leaves and pine needles won’t poke and prod you during the night and can add additional cushioning and insulation on the floor of the tent. Be sure to use a footprint or plastic sheet for your tent to sit on for added comfort and protection.

Remember to follow the Leave No Trace principles and camp and travel on durable surfaces only. These durable surfaces include rock, sand, dry grasses, established campsites and trails, snow, and gravel.


Best Gear for Comfort While Sleeping in a Tent

Let’s go over the different camping gear you can use that will improve your night’s sleep while camping. Most of these items you can find and purchase at any local sports or camping store, Walmart, or online.


How To Get A Good Night's Sleep In A Tent 2
Image Source: pexels


Sleeping Pads

Camping sleeping pads are one of the most common items that avid tent campers and backpackers use. Each sleeping pad is different, some are made from foam and others are self-inflating. Both provide a cushioned barrier between you and the tent floor. This helps not only for comfort but prevents heat loss by acting as a barrier from the cold ground.

Some have pillows made into the sleeping pad, while others do not. They come in varying thicknesses so you are able to choose whichever suits you best. Also, they are very affordable and come in a plethora of different styles.


Sleeping Bags

Your sleeping bag also plays a major role in comfort. Your sleeping bag is not only there to keep you warm, but to again provide you with additional cushioning from the ground. Some utilize down for insulation and others may have a cotton liner.

During the hot summer months, you may not think you need your sleeping bag, but you don’t have to sleep in it when it’s too warm. By laying on top of it and your sleeping pad you should be able to sleep more comfortably.

There are options of 4-season sleeping bags which usually state the temperatures they are best used in or summer sleeping bags that are much lighter for the warmer months.

They can range in pricing, but most are affordable and function much the same as those that are more expensive.


Air Mattresses

This is a great option for those that need more cushion while sleeping and if you’re staying at a campground. An air bed is larger and taller than any sleeping pad. They’re great for families, couples, and those that need more room while sleeping.

They take more time to set up because you’ll need to inflate them with an electric air pump, have an internal pump, or you’ll have to manually pump. They can vary in rigidity depending on how much air you put in them. However, they’re not quite as affordable as other options.


Additional Tips for Sleeping Comfortably While Camping

Managing your temperature is a key factor in sleeping comfortably in a tent. This is the most prolific issue with tents, especially during the summer. The best way to keep your tent cool in hot weather is to pitch it in the shade of trees, close to a body of water, or in a dip in the ground that’s lower than the surrounding area.


How To Get A Good Night's Sleep In A Tent 3
Image Source: pexels


You can position your tent so that it is facing the direction of the wind so it gets plenty of air circulation. In some cases, you can even take your tent down during the heat of the day, and set it up again later on.

Space is another factor. Larger tents will have more ventilation and air circulation that will help you sleep better at night. Small tents are good at trapping heat inside which is better for the fall and winter months.

If you’re interested in larger tents for you and your family or if you’re a camping couple that enjoys having more space, then you can check out this article here to learn more about the best 12-person tents.



All the tips and tricks provided above are tried and true, at least in my experience when camping. They have proven effective enough that I’ve been able to sleep comfortably at night while in a tent. Even on a 4-week camping trip through the heart of the Adirondacks, my sleeping pad and sleeping bag got me through alone.

There is always the option of bringing a battery-operated fan, air conditioner, or heater designed for camping. However, they’re not the most affordable option and may be less convenient for those that are backpacking. Still, it is another option if you are someone that struggles to get comfortable temperature-wise at night.

Remember to have fun and practice the Leave No Trace principals anytime you’re hiking, camping, and enjoying your local wilderness areas!


Julie Landry
Julie Landry
Guest Author | Website

Julie is a freelance writer at with a passion for the outdoors. She grew up camping, fishing, hiking, and kayaking; and now wants to provide people with tips that will enhance their outdoor experiences.


27 responses to “How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep In A Tent”

  1. Kate Avatar

    Great article, really appreciate this advice. Thank you

  2. Shreya Saha Avatar

    Thank you for covering such an important topic. Everytime i have thought of just camping in tent, the thought that came to mind is whether will get a good sleep, then better take a room instead. But yes, once i tried and found sleeping bed to be useful. I loved your suggestion of sleeping pad as well. It seems to make sleeping experience better for sure.

  3. Laura Sidestreet Avatar

    I love camping so much and I’ve definitely learnt tricks and tips along the way – yours are so useful and yes to investing in decent equipment – a good sleeping bag can make a huge difference

    Laura x

  4. Linda (LD Holland) Avatar

    I must start by admitting I am a bit like the princess and the pea. I need almost perfect conditions to sleep. So sleeping in a tent looks like a major challenge for me. I am not sure I could carry all the sleeping pads I might need. Maybe a good air mattress would work. And I would want my pillow from home. Good tip about positioning the tent to get good air circulation. And to carry a battery powered fan. So many reasons when I keep pushing back when hubby wants to camp.

  5. Jackie Avatar

    Having a bad night’s sleep while camping has always been a drawback for me. But these tips lend insights I hadn’t thought of – such as how important the location of the tent is! I would definitely scout out high ground and a spot under the trees for a more comfortable rest. And, of course, a better mattress pad. Maybe I’ll give this a try again using these helpful tips!

  6. Angela Ricardo Bethea Avatar

    Those are some great points to keep in mind and remember. It’s better to be prepared to avoid all kinds of future hurdles or else risk not getting any sleep at all.

  7. Maria Veloso Avatar

    This is extremely beneficial for folks who enjoy tent camping. Thank you for the recommendations on where to set up camp. And I’ve already made a list of everything I’ll need to buy or bring in order to sleep comfortably in a tent. I’m looking forward to my next camping trip already.

  8. Renata Feyen Avatar

    That reminds me of the time we went to soccer camp and placed our tent in a spot of flying ants

  9. Subhashish Roy Avatar

    Wow some really awesome tips. Finding the right place to fix the tent seems to be so crucial.I always have a problem in getting sleep in a new bed. And more so during the first few days of a holiday. And when camping it certainly would be more so due to the unfamiliar surroundings. Would certainly help when I use your tips next time.

  10. Dana Avatar

    We used to go camping a lot when I was a kid, and I remember sleeping in a tent and loving it! You have helpful advice here on how to get a good night’s sleep while camping. I didn’t think of this when I was a kid. All of your tips are helpful for when my family is ready to go camping one day!

  11. Akyn Fullhouse Avatar

    I love the tips about how to get comfort while camping especially that the warm season is coming, an ideal weather to go camping with the family. I’ll keep all these ideas in mind.

  12. Natascha Avatar

    I always check the ground for stones and twigs. On European campsites it is often quite crowded in summer with the neighbors less than 1 m away. So earplugs are also very useful. And last but not least, make sure you are tired from hiking or any other outdoor sport.

  13. Lyosha Avatar

    great tips! I often hear complaints about not being able to sleep well in the end. it works the other way around for me: I had my best nights in the tent and also feel born anew

  14. Kathy Balmores Avatar

    I can’t ever imagine sleeping inside a tent but having read this, I am now considering it. Really helpful especially for those like me who have major anxieties.

  15. joanna Avatar

    This is a great article, especially since I will be having my first ever camping trip on my own, with my own gear, this summer. So far I only bought a tent. Next, I’m looking for the best affordable but comfortable gear that will provide a good night’s sleep. I think I will go for an air bed, especially that I will have my car nearby and I will be able to use its electricity to pump it automatically.

  16. Maureen Avatar

    I used to only bring a sleeping bag but has long since changed to an air mattress. It’s so much better for my back and I enjoy sleeping in a tent a lot more!

  17. Ivan Carlo Jose Avatar

    Great tips. I imagine it’s not easy to fall asleep in a tent (or maintain good sleep) given that you are in an unfamiliar place.

  18. Carol Colborn Avatar

    I have never slept in a tent. Thanks for the tips here. But how do you get over the fear that snake, insects, unwanted creatures slide into your sleeping space?

  19. Lisa Avatar

    These are great tips for regular campers. I didn’t have a good experience sleeping in a tent before. An air mattress is a good one, I’ll definitely try it out!

    1. Nerida Avatar

      I sleep like a log in a tent. So much so that if I am suffering from poor sleep at home I pitch a tent in the garden at home and sleep out. The great surprise is just how much nocturnal wildlife moves about in my garden.

      One thing I would add if cold climate camping is frost and cold air moves down a slope and will pool when it gets to the bottom of the slope or the flat. So if you can find a flat spot part way up a slope use it and the cold air will move around you.
      If camping close to water or on alluvial flats keep an eye on the weather including upstream. You don’t want to be washed away in a flash flood even if it is not raining where you are. But a body of water nearby will modify temperature fluctuations between day/night changes.
      Trees can also modify temperatures and provide some protection from frost but be really conscious of the potential for branch drops or tree falls. If you hear loud cracks like the sound of gunshots where there are no gunshots and it may initially be difficult to locate where this noise is coming from that may be the sound of tree roots snapping underground heralding a tree fall. These sounds can be heard over several days or weeks before a tree comes down but heed the warning and relocate. Trees falling is not limited to high wind or storm activity.

  20. Lani Lyutz Avatar

    Very helpful to get that nice, comfortable sleep! I’ll be sure to keep these in mind, thanks a lot.

  21. Frank San Avatar

    It’s been a long time since I slept in a tent. Great tips to help people go camping. I will save them for future reference.

  22. Fouli Avatar

    These tips are great! Really useful for everyone especially if you’re a beginner like me and don’t know so many things about camping. I’ll keep them in mind for the next time! Thanks!

  23. Astrid Avatar

    These are all great tips! I hadn’t thought of some of them, such as where to pitch your tent for the most comfort.

  24. Ntensibe Edgar Avatar

    Ooohhhh…alright then! I had never heard of sleeping pads before. Thank you for enlightening me about them.

  25. Richelle Milar Avatar
    Richelle Milar

    These are all really great and very helpful tips! This is perfect thanks for sharing this with us

  26. Beth Avatar

    I’ll always opt for an air mattress whenever possible, but if I can’t get that, sleeping pads are great.

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