Dear Natalie: Try Outxe’s Cooler Backpack
By Natalie McCarthy Dear Natalie, I can’t stand coolers. They’re difficult to lug to campsites, and even walking from the parking lot to the picnic spot is a hassle. They’re inevitably always red or blue, with a flimsy plastic handle, and the lids often get stuck. I have about three gathering dust in my pantry…
Dear Natalie: Try No Bugs Insect Repellant Products
By Natalie McCarthy Dear Natalie, I love spending time outdoors, but I don’t love insects. I’ve considered dropping an insecticide bomb on my entire region, but I heard that was a criminal offense. Do you have any ideas? Help! Bitten and Itchy ___________________________________________________________________________ Dear B & I, It’s so strange how local governments generally…
Dear Natalie: Try a Pocket Cocktail
By Natalie McCarthy Dear Natalie, Okay so – like – okay but have I told you that I love you? Oh my GOSH, this song is my JAM! Come dance with me. Come on. Come on. Karaoke? Come on. Ugh, why are you always so borrrrrring? Oh, look, tacos! Wait, like, but have you…
Dear Natalie: Try Kühl Apparel
By Natalie McCarthy Dear Natalie, I’ve heard there are people who hike, bike, and otherwise adventure wearing only their birthday suit. I, however, prefer to be clothed. What do you think about trying out the Kühl clothing line? Signed, Not Enough Sunscreen _____________________________________________________________________________________ Dear NES, For those of us who are a bit too modest…
Dear Natalie: Try Epic Wipes
By Natalie McCarthy Dear Natalie, What if I’m out exploring, I get super gross, and I can’t shower? It’s embarrassing to be stinky! Signed, Someone whose personal hygiene is at stake ____________________________________________ Dear Stinky Pants, Well, we have a few options: Get comfortable with your primal lack of hygiene. – While it might take…
Dear Natalie Try the Brooks England Strand Bag
By Natalie McCarthy Dear Natalie, Let’s say I’m trying to ride a bike and carry stuff at the same time. What do I do? Signed, Trying to Grow Additional Arms ________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear TGAA, Certainly, you realize that you aren’t a Chia Pet. You cannot, simply by will, sprout new appendages. However, I do…
Dear Natalie: Try Sunski Glasses
By Natalie McCarthy Dear Natalie, What are your thoughts on Sunski’s sunglasses? Signed, Humans who have eyeballs ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Eyeball Owners, By now, it’s probably evident that I try to give well-rounded reviews. It’s important to me that I present all the sides of a product, so you can make an informed decision about…
Dear Natalie: Try Outxes Rugged Power Bank
By Natalie McCarthy Dear Natalie, Word on the street is that Outxe sent you another product. What did you think? Signed, Someone whose phone is at 2% battery ________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Someone – wait a second. Who lets their phone get to 2%? Seriously, man. That’s just negligent. Anyway, yes, Outxe kindly sent me their…
Dear Natalie: Try the Urban Canairie Hat
By Natalie McCarthy Dear Natalie, What are your thoughts on Urban Canairie’s outdoor hats? Signed, You all, because you like covering your head __________________________________________________________________ Dear friends, I’m going to be honest with you: Getting gifts in the mail is really, really great. I mean, it exceeds the typical daily level of greatness; it is…
Dear Natalie: Try The Outxe 3-in-1 Rugged Lantern
By Natalie McCarthy Dear Natalie, What are your thoughts on the Outxe 3-in-1 Rugged Lantern? Signed, You all, because you want to know about this! _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear friends, I have to admit something: I am not dainty. I know that’s probably shocking, so I’ll give you a minute to recompose yourselves. (Patiently waiting.) Okay. Now…