Camping for Women
created by women, for women

Benefits of the Camping Experience for Women

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Benefits 1

Benefits 1

By Iris West

When people ask how I manage to always look so vibrant and energetic even in the middle of stressful situations, I smile and say, “camping.” For a leisure activity that can appear so dull and out of place in the technological world, I know that answer always comes out as a surprise, and probably a joke to some. Camping, however, has a great deal of benefits for you as a woman.


Relaxation/cut off stress

Benefits 2From the busy work schedules to bodily woes and the stresses of life, every once in a while, it is recommended that you take a few moments and unwind.

For me, I cannot do that while at home; somehow, something always comes up and relaxing is put on hold.

Camping provides the opportunity, time and much-needed space for relaxation, providing many benefits including giving ample time to concentrate and meditate on one’s life.


Benefits 8There is not a single place in the world better for inspiration than where nature resides. With nature there is exploration, heightened curiosity and a peace that drives you deep into thought, where those great ideas come from.

Camping gives you the ideal scenarios for you to be in touch with nature. It is while camping that I had most of my best ideas and made the greatest decisions of my life.



Benefits 4Is it not hard for you to go an entire hour without checking at least one electronic device? Such is the world we live in nowadays and you would be surprised at the effects of these devices to us. Besides time wastage, there is impulse behavior and heightened stress levels among others.

I often leave every device back at home when I go camping. This is primarily because camping is the one place I get that much-needed opportunity to unplug.


Exercise benefits

Benefits 5If you wish to burn those calories in a way that does not feel constricting or restrictive, then you need to go camping.

All that walking, hiking, trekking and carrying around the weight in your bag, is a great deal of exercise. I guarantee you that a few days of camping could be the game-changer for your weight loss routine.

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Better sleeping patterns

Benefits 6This is usually tied down to the fact that you are offline and away from all the distractions. A woman needs her beauty sleep and unfortunately, for one reason or the other, we do not get enough of that.

Going camping, however, helps you maintain a steady and healthy sleeping pattern that keeps you rejuvenated and calm, besides relieving the stress that comes with exhaustion. Certainly one of the key benefits.


Get rid of the mood swings

bigstock 128016998Research has shown that nature can work wonders for your mental health, especially if you live in the city. A study conducted at Michigan University cited that walking outdoors even for a few minutes can reduce depression symptoms.

Another study conducted at Stanford University found that walking in nature has the ability to overcome the trend by people to obsess over negative thoughts, which could increase the risk of mental health issues.


No screens

bigstock Woman Meditating Doing Yoga Be 80869661 2One of the biggest advantages of camping for women that I’ve discovered is that there are absolutely no screens. Sometimes all a woman needs is to shut themselves from cyberspace and simply connect with nature. And what better way to achieve that than go camping?

Too much screens aren’t good for health and it’s sometimes important to power down. And without screens, you get so much more done in the way of connecting with friends, family and loved ones.


Departure from daily life at little or no cost

Campfire Hiking Woman With Bac 19629041 2It would be great for everyone to travel and take a vacation if they have a few savings. But who said you have to go on holiday to escape your fast-paced life?

After all, today’s economy doesn’t allow most of us to travel to a different city or country to getaway. There are plenty of expenses to think about including meals, restaurants, hotel rooms, passport, the attractions and more. When it comes to camping, I can get away and for very little cost too.


Take a shortcut to mindfulness

bigstock Free Happy Woman Enjoying Natu 91791719 2If you are one of those people like me for whom formal meditation doesn’t work, camping can work wonders for you. Of course, sometimes I can do simple meditations but at other times the sitting gets tough. Camping necessitates mindfulness because we have to be there to camp and secondly, there’s no technology distracting us. In the woods, you get to hear the buzz of insects, the crackle of the fire as well as the song of a bird without the distracting noises of passing cars, catfights in the night, fighting couples, and general urbanity. Camping raises awareness of the present and brings your attention to the present moment. And when night falls, your world reduces to the fire.

There are many more benefits of camping for women, but they can only be truly experienced if you take the step to actually go camping.

Iris West
Iris West
Multiple Contributor

A young writer and blogger, Iris West lives across her 3 rental houses in Nairobi, Mombasa and Nanyuki in Kenya.

She spends most her holiday time travelling and exploring different geographic regions for social pleasure, nature experiences and for educative purposes, including spending some weeks each year at Kenya’s North parts of Rift Valley, Turkana.

She contributes a lot toward supporting less fortunate families and attends a number of international business conferences as part of her professional work.


8 responses to “Benefits of the Camping Experience for Women”

  1. Diana - MVMT Blog Avatar

    Agree 100% with all of the above! My only hold up with nothing bringing my devices when I go hiking/camping is I would want to be able to get a hold of someone in case of an emergency, if I were out on my own. Definitely love unplugging though, and nature can be so therapeutic!

  2. Global Girl Travels Avatar

    Camping is definitely one of the best ways to unplug. But these benefits apply not just to women, but anyone who decides to go camping. I really like the part where you get to be one with nature. It is a great way to meditate and reflect.

  3. Only By Land Avatar

    There are lots of positives (or benefits) to camping here, the fresh air is so good for you. Also hiking up to the campsite and no doubt doing some hiking during the day is good for your health. There shouldn’t be any convenience stores up there tempting you to buy any unnecessary junk food. Being away from the smart phone and internet must be so good for stress levels too. The alternative to camping, a getaway to a hotel would still see you stuck on the smartphone and it would cost you more anyway.

  4. Genie | Gallivanting Bean Avatar

    omg I need all of this. I’ve never been camping before. We had reservations for Yosemite but it was way too cold to camp so we canceled them and went to the Grand Canyon instead. hopefully I get my first experience in soon

  5. Hendrik Avatar

    I agree, camping is a great thing from many perspectives. Just the fact to be outdoor, enjoying nature ideally without too many technical devices is good for soul, mind and health.
    And if you have some little extras like preparing your own food and do it a bit more adventurous, it gives you even some extra excitement. Camping is truly great fun.

  6. Marcie in Mommyland Avatar

    I’m not super big on camping, but I try to incorporate these benefits with pseudo-camping. This past weekend, we stayed at a house at the beach and I definitely felt more relaxed after spending more time in nature. I did a lot of nature walks and spent time at the ocean. Someday I hope to work my way up to actual camping!

  7. Jean Avatar

    Oh I agree! I am both a woman and someone who loves to camp. It so soothing for the soul.

  8. Erin Pocket Rockets Avatar

    Totally with you – camping is so refreshing. Living in London means I crave those weekends away from the hustle and bustle, and they totally work to revive you!

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