Camping for Women
created by women, for women

7 Solo Camping Safety Tips for Women

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7 Solo Camping Safety Tips for Women 1 min e1728498301442

By Ester Banuchyan

Camping is always fun when you are with a crowd. Here’s a confession though: I love camping alone. It gives me some much-needed time by myself that I don’t usually get at work or home. Besides, it makes me feel quite brave.

As thrilling as solo camping can be for women, it also presents unique safety concerns. Here are several camping safety tips based on my personal experience that would make most women feel safer on solo camping adventures.


7 Solo Camping Safety Tips for Women 1 min


1. Stay Warm In Your Tent

Women campers worry a lot about wildlife and unsavory (male) fellow travellers. However, there’s one thing women really should worry about, but usually don’t: the cold.

It can get quite cold out there at night when camping, especially during the winter season. I’ve noticed that some places can get quite chilly after sundown even during supposedly warmer months. Therefore, it’s very important to pack adequate sleeping gear that will keep the cold at bay.

Keep in mind that you need to plan for more warmth than the temperatures indicate. When I went camping during autumn a couple of years ago, the temperatures at night fell to about five degrees celsius. However, it felt much colder. I really wished I’d packed a better sleeping bag.

My point is that you need to pack a sleeping bag suited for slightly colder conditions than what you can expect at the planned campsite. In addition, it’s important to find other ways to stay warm in your tent. I highly recommend buying an insulated tent, but that really depends on your preferences.


2. Pack Waterproofing Spray

Make sure your luggage has some waterproofing spray alongside the bug spray cans. Use these to keep your boots, clothing, or gear dry in rainy or damp situations. During colder months, waterproofing spray can be a lifesaver that prevents chilly moisture from penetrating your insulated clothing and sapping away warmth.


7 Solo Camping Safety Tips for Women 2


3. Plan for Rough Territory

When I first started off as a camper, I would mostly sleep in my tent. I would camp at a secure location as recommended by rangers in the area. What I didn’t plan for, however, was rough territory. Believe me, campsites have no concrete. There will be pebbles and rocks on the ground that you would feel through the tent, especially when sleeping.

So if you want a good night’s sleep, take an air mattress or a well-padded sleeping bag with you. I pack a blanket or two just in case. Remember, good sleep is important. Don’t let a few pebbles ruin your night.


7 Solo Camping Safety Tips for Women 3


4. Track the Weather

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I carry a radio with me just for this. Also, I bought a neat outdoor watch that downloads weather charts and sounds storm alarms. You don’t need to buy the same gadgets, but you do need accessories that will let you know if you could face a dangerous weather situation out in the wild.


5. Bring Water Purifiers with You

I usually carry bottled water when I go camping. But of course, it’s not practical to pack all the water I need during the trip. Some campsites have facilities like taps and showers. These are not available when you camp deep in the wilderness, naturally.


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Nowadays, I take water purification tablets and filters with me on all camping trips, even when running water is available. You never know when you might have to drink from a stream. You will need something to boil the water, ideally. Still, chlorine tablets are a must when you don’t have time to do that.


6. Try Not to Drink

Not advocating temperance here, but responsible campers should avoid drinking too much, or even a little, especially on solo trips. Drinking impairs judgment, vision, and makes it difficult to tackle certain physical tasks like climbing attitudes. You need to be on high alert and in great physical shape when camping alone. Those beers certainly won’t help.

Usually, it’s considered relatively safe to chug a beer or two around a campfire. However, it’s different when you are with a group. There’s safety in numbers and at least one sober friend who can keep track of what’s happening. You won’t have this luxury when you are alone, so don’t drink alcohol.

Also, some people tend to overdrink when they are alone. This is just not a good idea, particularly if you have activities like hiking planned for the day. When you are inebriated, you are more vulnerable to all sorts of dangers posed by both nature and man. Not to mention the fact that alcohol can disrupt your sleeping schedule and totally throw your camping itinerary.


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7. Keep in Touch with the Outside World

Going on solo camping trips, at least for me, is about cutting myself off from others temporarily. Then again, it’s never a good idea to stay too isolated. What if you have an accident? I always fear running into danger and no one knowing about it. To ensure my safety when I’m outdoors, I keep in touch with my sister.

I usually leave my camping route and schedule with her just in case. I also call her to let her know I’m okay. If I don’t call, she knows something’s up. Likewise, you need a trusted contact back home to keep tabs on you remotely. It could be a family member, a friend, or even a coworker if no one else is available. Let people know where you are going. In case you don’t come back on time, they would know to send a search party.

Your solo camping trip would be more rewarding if you follow basic safety rules as suggested above. Focus on staying warm, comfortable, well-hydrated, and alert. And as the stories warn, don’t trust strangers you meet on the road. As long as you follow these basics, you should be fine on your own.


ester banuchyan
Ester Banuchyan
Blogger and Guest Author at Deep Blue Mountain

​I am an enthusiastic article/blogger writer and my main field of writing is camping & hiking.

This lifestyle inspires me to write articles about it with great enjoyment.


25 responses to “7 Solo Camping Safety Tips for Women”

  1. Menaka Bharathi Avatar

    I have never had a plan for solo camping any time in my life, this does sounds to be so interesting. You have covered every small detail one would want to know if they were to travel solo. A water purifier is something I would never have thought of.

  2. Archana Singh Avatar

    Such an important post. All the points you mentioned are so important and practical. I was once camping in San Rafael Desert near Horseshoe Canyon and forgot to check the weather. I had no idea there was a sandstorm coming. That night was one of the hardest nights of my life. I almost lost everything. Thank God I packed up and left before it became too severe. Lesson learnt the hard way – Track the Weather

  3. Nayna Kanabar Avatar

    Travelling solo needs lots of confidence, but as you said one must be very careful about personal safety. Being aware of your surroundings and taking caution is very important .

  4. Kristine Nicole Allessandra Avatar
    Kristine Nicole Allessandra

    Waterproofing spray is something new to me. I do believe that is great to take along when camping. We can never tell when there would suddenly be a downpour even if the weather forecasts says otherwise.

  5. Rikki Ridgeway Avatar

    Oh my goodness, this is such helpful information. I’m not brave enough to camp alone. However, if I were – I’d definitely take into consideration these really useful tips. I love that they can be applied to even non-solo camping trips as well.

  6. Dalene Ekirapa Avatar
    Dalene Ekirapa

    I’ve never known about waterproofing sprays and that idea is terrific! I will be getting one for sure because normally, I’m always buying waterproof clothes if I’m visiting a very cold area with frequent rain. This is even more affordable.

  7. Lori Bosworth Avatar

    Waterproofing spray sounds like a great idea! I didn’t realize they had this spray. I wonder if it would be good to use on clothing when cross country skiing?

  8. Kristine Nicole Alessandra Avatar
    Kristine Nicole Alessandra

    I love going camping with my family, but I have never tried solo camping. I know it is not for everybody, but I do admire women who are brave to go on adventures like this. I will share this post with my sons. I know they do have women friends who regularly do solo camping.

  9. Tami Avatar

    Finally! A blog containing articles with valuable information about camping and the outdoors that is not filled with affiliate links and sounding like a sales pitch! I’ve never camped alone but I agree with your summary of the most important things to consider while camping solo. Especially staying warm in your tent. I’d freeze without my husband!!

  10. Chef Mireille Avatar

    These are great tips. I don’t know though if I would have the confidence to go camping by myself. I have always believed in safety in numbers. However, some of these tips are even helpful for day hiking trips. I have to say I would never have thought to buy water purifiers, but that is a very good tip!

  11. Marjie Mare Avatar
    Marjie Mare

    I am glad you share those tips but I must go camping with someone first. It seems fun and I kept pushing to do it.

  12. Sonia Seivwright Avatar

    I have never done camping before, well, not since I was a child. These are great tips. Thanks for sharing

  13. Lucy N. Avatar
    Lucy N.

    These are such great tips! I like the idea of bringing water purifiers and excellent advise on not drinking! Big kudos on camping alone, I’m more of an amateur camper!

    1. Joan Avatar

      These are great tips, I like the water purifier idea and the not drinking because getting lost is really not fun.

  14. sherianne Avatar

    I wouldn’t have thought of packing waterproofing spray. The moisture in the tent in the morning annoys me. I agree completely that drinking while camping solo would not be a good plan, I would think every noise is a bear and freak myself out! Glamping on the other hand…

  15. Sarah Avatar

    I’ve never gone camping solo I’m sure it definitely would be an adventure.

  16. Diana Avatar

    These are some great tips! I don’t think I’m brave enough to camp alone, but I think it would be fun to do as a family some day!

  17. Elizabeth Avatar

    These are some great tips and not just for solo female campers either. I would have never thought to bring waterproofing spray. I could see how that would come in handy because even a little dampness can make you really cold. Keeping in touch with the outside world is really important too. Even though I don’t camp, I do this on all my solo trips.

  18. Lisa Avatar

    Great tips!! I don’t know if I have the guts to go on a solo camping trip, but I can definitely use these tips on our normal camping trips. I love your idea of bringing life straws – great idea!!

  19. Becky Avatar

    These are amazing tips – thanks for sharing!

  20. Shayla Marie Avatar

    My aunt does solo camping. I’ll share these tips with her, they are excellent! Thank you for this post!

  21. Yukti Agrawal Avatar
    Yukti Agrawal

    Very useful tips for safety of solo women campers. I would love to plan my rough territory when I go for camping and also keep track of weather as at natural places weather can change any moment. Keeping in touch with outside world is highly essential but sometimes Internet is very dicey in natural places. Taking water filters during camping and not drinking as it blurs vision is very useful and must follow tip.

  22. Krzysztof Lab Avatar

    Some people like to camp alone, like you. We prefer to camp together. And I think your safety tips are useful not only for solo travelers. Staying warm is essential – this is why we always advise not to save on the sleeping bag but agree that an insulated tent and right spot to put it up is crucial. We have never heard about waterproofing spray other than one dedicated to boots, so this is excellent hint for sure! And we agree about the water purifier. It is useful stuff.

  23. Linda (LD Holland) Avatar

    I can see how camping alone would give you time to yourself. But I might be worried about too many things. So good to read this post and get some actions to address my concerns. I only ever think about waterproofing my footwear. But it is a good idea to use it for other things. Glad to know there are good products to purify the water. We make sure to touch base with one or two key people when we travel. If I went camping on my own, I would make sure to do this religiously. Some good tips for keeping safe when you camp on your own. And many are applicable for other types of solo travel.

  24. Joella Avatar

    I must admit I have not yet gone on a solo camping trip. These are definitely great tips to help keep me safe. Great idea about bringing spray to waterproof. And I think I might look at insulated tents. The life straws is something I already own. Having clean water is a must. And great advice on not drinking. It dehydrates you plus you want to be able to make good judgment.

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