Camping for Women
created by women, for women

5 Tips for First-Time Solo Women Campers

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Solo Women Campers

Solo Women Campers

Who needs company?

by Tiffani  Rose

Camping alone might seem overwhelming when you think about it. Is it safe for a single woman to camp? How will the experience be? Will I find any challenges during the trip?

There are too many questions that will flash across your mind. But the thing is that it can be a rewarding experience. That’s why many solo women campers continue to go on their adventures alone.

I like to camp alone because it shows me that I can. Women are usually fed several fear-driven stories about the dangers of the world. Going out alone helps me feel confident about myself.

According to data, there were close to 48 million campers in 2020 in the USA alone. Of those, 45% were women. So it’s not like women don’t camp. The interest in camping will continue to rise as most first-timers plan to camp frequently.

There were around 10 million first-time camping households, of which 60% plan to continue to camp.

But camping is not always a smooth experience. From sudden weather changes to animal attacks to fire disasters, there’s so much that can ruin your camp if you go unprepared.

Here are some tips that will help you camp alone:


Go Prepared With All the Gears

Tips for Solo Women Campers

While out in the wilds, you need to ensure that you have all the necessary gears. An average camper spends $51 to $200 on camping equipment. It’s best to create a checklist of items to carry and plan accordingly. For instance, you will undoubtedly need tent gear, including a tent, pillow, blanket, and rain cover.

Similarly, you will have to look after the clothing gear based on the weather. If you are traveling to a warm location, you might want to carry a hat, cotton tees, hiking pants or shorts, tops, etc. For winter, you might look for thermal clothes, jackets, track pants, sweatshirts, etc.

Your footwear will also significantly impact your overall experience. Suppose you decide to go for a small trek in the morning; you need to be wearing suitable tactical boots. Camping is an adventurous experience. So if you don’t wear tactical booths, you might not enjoy the experience as much.


Take a Self Defense Class

Taking a self-defense class is crucial not because you will face problems during your camping night but because it will boost your confidence. The thing is that if you have fear in your head, you won’t be able to enjoy as much as you might otherwise.

After recognizing fear, a small portion of your brain called the amygdala puts your body into a response mechanism. The fear response system can lead to nervousness and a faster heartbeat, resulting in health problems and impairing your experience.

When you learn self-defense, you will be confident about going through any dangerous situation if it may arise. These courses will teach you how to access your surroundings and identify the trouble. They will also train you on what to do if confronted with a threat.

You can choose to learn Krav Maga, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), karate, boxing, or any other form of defense. You can also carry self-defense weapons, like guns, knives, or sprays for peace of mind.

Consider choosing a defense class that offers practical fighting guidance. Moves like chokeholds or armbars might help control the opponent, but learning how to strike first when necessary is crucial. Hence, you need practical striking training too.


Don’t Let Anyone Know You Are Alone

solo women campers 5Although you are alone, you shouldn’t let anyone know that. The best fun about camping or traveling alone is that you get to make new friends. You can share a beer or even food with strangers at the campsite.

But you must never let them know that you are alone. If someone asks you, you can lie about it. You can also make excuses like “I need to go and see my friend” or “Someone is waiting for me.” If you are keen you can camp in many beautiful or exotic places around the world safely.


If It’s During That Time of the Month

First, you should avoid camping if your period has already started. But as a woman, we should always be prepared for such situations. Hence, it is best to carry tampons, sea sponges, or other alternatives if your period starts outdoors.


Say No When You Are Not Comfortable

Trust me when I say that many strangers will try to become friends with you. You should not deny everyone as it is best to make new friends on your trip. But you don’t have to engage with everyone.

As soon as you feel uncomfortable with someone or a situation, you should say no to it. You don’t even have to explain. Say no and walk away.



Dear ladies, those were some tips that I think will help you start your journey as a solo camper. Stop worrying about everything and go ahead to enjoy the experience. It might feel challenging at the start, but you will always want to camp solo once you get used to it.


Tips for solo women campers 4


Do you have any other tips for solo women campers?

Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Tiffani Rose
Tiffani Rose
Guest Blogger

I am Tiffani, a freelance blogger. I had been writing blogs for over 5 years. Home improvement, gardening, and camping are my favorite niches. Blogging helps me to share my experience with other people.


35 responses to “5 Tips for First-Time Solo Women Campers”

  1. Parnashree Devi Avatar

    These are superb tips. Moreover, you have covered practical tips. I loved the fact that you have talked about issues like periods, and safety which are so important when you are traveling solo. Great post.

  2. Subhashish Roy Avatar

    I haven’t done any camping outside India as yet. But the tips are so equally useful for any solo camper. Many ideas do not come to mind when you plan. My first solo camping was in Himachal Pradesh in India and I was quite under prepared. Thankfully could manage. But to get the best out of a trip, one should be better prepared.

  3. Maria Veloso Avatar

    I was encouraged to go camping alone after reading your article because I find it enjoyable and interesting. Thanks for the advice; it makes me feel more confident in taking the plunge. I enjoy doing things that both challenge and excite me. Learning self-defense is also a lot of fun!

  4. joanna Avatar

    I have never been camping on my own, mostly because of being afraid that I will be on my own. Reading your article though made me realise that it’s not that bad and it can be a great way to find some quiet time for yourself, surrounded by nature. It’s definitely a good idea to take a self defence course before heading to an overnight adventure by yourself.

  5. Agnes Avatar

    I have traveled alone many times but never camped alone. I always feared a lonely night in a tent. In this article, you give exciting tips for women who want to spend time camping on their own. I like the idea of taking self-defense lessons and packing the right equipment and other tips on how to prepare for this adventure —a beneficial article.

  6. Renée Avatar

    Don’t let anyone know your alone and always tell someone where you’re going to next. That’s always been my advise for travelling solo as a female.

  7. Amy Braun Avatar

    I actually let one friend and family member (who aren’t in the same country as me) know where I go in case I get lost. I am always guarded too, took so many self-defense classes.

  8. Melanie Avatar

    Great and very helpful tips!

  9. Samantha Avatar

    Thanks for this guide.

  10. vidya Avatar

    great tips indeed.. not letting others know you are alone is really important (and i know that from solo trips elsewhere as well…)

  11. Sherianne Avatar

    I tried camping alone once and it was a complete bust for this exact reason – I wasn’t prepared – at all. Not only did I not think through all the supplies I would need, but I wasn’t prepared for the silence. It can be shocking when you are not used to it!

  12. Marysa Avatar

    I definitely would have some qualms about solo camping as a woman. These are good tips, and it is good to be prepared as far as self defense.

  13. Lynn Armstrong Avatar
    Lynn Armstrong

    I would love to try camping alone one day, but I’ve always been a little hesitant! These were super helpful tips that boosted my confidence and made me feel more comfortable about taking a solo trip. Thank you so much for sharing!

  14. Fatima T Avatar

    These are great tips! Didn’t think about all the things you needed to know to go camping alone.

  15. Chad Kassis Avatar

    It is amazing that you’re doing these adventures alone, amazing!!! Awesome tips especially taking a self-defense class, it is great.

  16. Natascha Avatar

    I went solo camping quite often. If it is one a campsite, no problem. If you camp out in the wild, the best tip is to go low-key. Set up the tent at sunset, once it is dark nobody will see you. Even if someone comes close to the tent at night, just stay put. Nobody assumes a solo-camping woman in a tent.

  17. Angela Avatar

    An interesting choice of tips and not ones that I would necessarily think of. I liked the author’s thoughts on solo camping being a way of proving to herself that she can however when I read the tip on learning self-defence my fears on why I don’t solo travel surfaced. I don’t think I would sleep all night if I were in a tent alone!

  18. Frank San Avatar

    Great tips, you don’t need to let others know you are alone. Very helpful tips!

    1. Anna Avatar

      It can be scary for sure, but having time away and being by yourself can be so therapeutic for one.

  19. Millie Avatar

    I love traveling alone, but I never thought of camping alone! It would be great to enjoy nature while getting some me-time. Great tips!

  20. Subarna Avatar

    Though camping was not in my mind but solo travel is one of my wish to fulfill. I guess now I want to do solo camping too. And your tips will surely help me.

  21. Ntensibe Edgar Avatar

    Nnnniiiiccceeee….there is just one. They could alert about 3 or 5 people about where they are going….just in case we need to locate her and can’t easily do so.

  22. Abiodun Avatar

    I really wish I was this brave to go camping on my own, but I don’t think I’ll ever do it on my own will lol. However, these tips will come in handy if that day ever comes! 🙂

  23. dorry lyn Avatar

    Camping solo is something I would like to try. Keeping your tips for future use. Thank you for sharing

    1. Puloma Bhattacharya Avatar
      Puloma Bhattacharya

      That was very useful list of tips for Solo traveling.These are helpful especially when you are camping outdoors. Carrying all the essentials for traveling alone is very important.

  24. Jocelyn Avatar

    I can never go out camping alone haha but great tips for those who are into solo camping for sure!

  25. Aish Das-Padihari Avatar
    Aish Das-Padihari

    Great post. Very helpful and super informative. Saving this one for those days, when I get freed up to travel solo.

  26. Neely Moldovan Avatar
    Neely Moldovan

    While I am not into camping, one of my best friends is and she would love this!

  27. Heather Avatar

    I’m not sure camping alone would be something I could do. The sounds and what ifs would definitely get to me!

  28. Rose Ann Sales Avatar
    Rose Ann Sales

    Wow! These are all really great tips! I’m gonna share this to my sister who is planning to go on camp by herself!

  29. Lani Lyutz Avatar

    Wow I wish I could camp on my own, that’s a brave thing to do! The self-defense tip is an absolute must.

  30. Nyxie Avatar

    A big YES to self-defense classes! Even if you’re not going camping, I think all women should at least take a basic class.

  31. Beth Avatar

    I love that you included a section on knowing how to defend yourself. You never know who could be out there with you, and when you’re all alone, you have to rely on yourself completely.

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