Camping for Women
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5 Must-Have Hygiene Essentials for Camping

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5 Must-Have Hygiene Essentials for Camping

5 Must-Have Hygiene Essentials for Camping

By Elise Hanson

There are lots of things you need to pack when you go camping — from equipment and rations to weather-ready clothes. While you’re busy packing, however, make sure you don’t forget your all-important hygiene items. These essentials often go forgotten in the face of everything else you’re thinking about, even though your hygiene needs to be looked after especially when you go camping. After all, what’s the use of planning a trip and enjoying the outdoors if you end up either sick or with an infection?

That said, it’s important to have these five hygiene essentials packed and ready to go:



Sunscreen is the first and most vital item that you need to have with you. UV rays filter through clouds and reflect off the ground even when the skies are overcast, which means that you’ll need to slather some SPF on if you’re planning on spending any time outdoors. Make sure that whatever sunscreen you use has no harmful chemicals in it (like oxybenzone and octinoxate), especially if you’re planning to take a dip during your trip. The golden rule of sunscreen is to reapply every two hours to ensure that you’re getting maximum protection wherever you are.


Bug spray

There are few things more annoying than having to swat away bugs when you’re already feeling sweaty and exhausted. Carrying bug spray helps you not only repel bug bites, but also to reduce the swelling and itching that comes with being bitten. As with sunscreen, it’s best to reapply bug spray frequently. TripSavvy says that DEET products work best when it comes to repelling mosquitos, but citronella and lavender oils can work just as well if you’re not going to a particularly bug-infested area.

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Bar soap

Bar soap is an environmentally friendly way to keep clean. They’re easy to store and don’t rely on any plastic packaging, and there are also lots of options available depending on your skin’s needs. In fact, Pretty Me’s review of Navarro’s bleach soap shows that there are even skin whitening options for women who want to stave off the effects of the sun. Lots of bar soaps also feature natural ingredients. Paul Mitchell has one that features tea tree oil, while the moisturizing bar from Tom’s of Maine contains jojoba and olive oil.


Multipurpose salves

You’ll most likely be carrying all your equipment on your back, which means you have to pack as lightly as possible to reduce strain. Multipurpose balms are therefore an absolute essential. Allure’s guide to ointments reports that Lucas’ Pawpaw Ointment heals everything from sunburn to dryness, and its pocket-friendly price means that it’s not the end of the world if you end up losing a tub. Balms are especially great for moisturizing during the colder months, as its thick consistency provides hydration while trapping some warmth.


Dry shampoo

While you’re out camping to enjoy the outdoors away from the comforts of home, there’s still something to be said about feeling clean in the midst of roughing it out. Dry shampoo works well in this regard, as it can quickly soak up the oils in your scalp and leave you feeling refreshed. Dry shampoos come both in spray and powder form, and the decision on which one to bring ultimately relies on personal preference.


So there you have it for must-have hygiene essentials for camping! While you’re planning your trip, do take a look at the Camping for Women guide to first aid essentials, too!

Elise Hanson
Elise Hanson
Guest Author

Elise Hanson has been writing since she was a wee lass growing up in Utah, receiving encouragement from elementary teachers to compete in writing contests and explore her passion for the art form. She grew up to adore the craft, writing (and producing) plays, novels, blog posts, theatre criticism, and copy for both the fun of it and to put bread on the table. Have a look at her publication on Amazon here:

She lives in Salt Lake City where she runs some theatre companies, participates in the local Fringe festival, and enjoys reading Shakespeare aloud with a group of nerds like her. She is supported in her creative endeavors by her husband Jesse and her cats Hermione and Freddie Mercury.


10 responses to “5 Must-Have Hygiene Essentials for Camping”

  1. Medha Avatar

    I’m going to be camping in Iceland very soon and I am glad to have come across your post. I did not even know that there is something known as multi-purpose balms! Bar soaps I had already thought of and someone told me about dry shampoo as well, which intrigued me so that’s on my list too. Sunscreen I always carry with me. Thanks for the informative post!

  2. Clare Avatar

    Dry shampoo is SO important! I rarely travel without it. I’ve never thought about bringing a multipurpose salve but it makes a lot of sense and I think it’ll become a staple in my travel bag! And sunscreen is ALWAYS a must for me! I always make sure mine are reef safe too! 🙂

  3. Jim Jones Avatar

    Great list of essentials. I’m a guy with really short hair, so I can live a couple days without shampooing. But the rest…everything is very necessary to me!

  4. Cecilia Avatar

    Definitely agree with your list. I remember like 10 years ago everyone saying that Deet products are bad for you. I am glad that they are now saying that Deet is ok to use, because I find that its the only thing that actually works! Anyway, thanks for the helpful post. Im ready for my next camping trip!

  5. Paul Healy Avatar
    Paul Healy

    Dry shampoo is a great idea. I’ve never heard of it but it must be great when camping – also just to reduce plastics in general. Is it very effective?

  6. Cat Lin Avatar
    Cat Lin

    It’s not too often that I go camping but when I do so, I don’t really bother about sunscreen and ointments. I had to admit though, there are times that I told myself I should have brought them. Perhaps, I’ll reference your list when I plan on camping again. Thanks for these tips!

  7. Paula Avatar

    This is a great list! It has been such a long time that I have been camping, that all the tips are definitely welcome. I plan to take my kids camping soon, so I will bookmark this page for the future reference. Never tried dry shampoo but I can see the advantages on a camping trip.

  8. Lisa Avatar

    Dry shampoo has become a staple when traveling and also when I’m at home. I’m always the first to get bitten by bugs, so DEET free bug spray always comes with me too. I’m also glad I’m not the only one who brings a bar soap, they’re so great!

  9. Elizabeth Avatar

    Sunscreen and bug spray are always really important to bring. I get bit up so badly while in the woods in some parts of the world. I have been meaning to try a lavender product to help ward off the bugs. I heard that is sometimes helpful. Dry shampoo is another great idea.

  10. Jane Dempster-Smith Avatar
    Jane Dempster-Smith

    Great tips. We are currently using Citronella oil here in Vietnam for the mosquitos and it is working quite well. We definitely prefer natural if we can. Sunscreen is definitely a must as well. I have yet to try dry shampoos but I will definitely remind myself of this, a great tip thanks.

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